Guidelines for Dreamwork
Painting: Jacob’s Dream, Nicolas Dipre, c. 1500
Our Guidelines: Working with Dreams in a Group
1. We approach dream work and everyone here with curiosity, mutual respect, emotional honesty, good humour and nonjudgmental support.
2. It is important that the people sharing their dreams feel safe. Therefore, we agree not to discuss our dreams or dream conversations outside this circle. Confidentiality creates a safe container for everyone.
3. We are all invited to share in small groups and the large group. The invitation is exactly that – it is never “share or die.” Each of us determines the extent to which we want to participate in discussions and activities.
4. When things get difficult, turn to wonder. If we find ourselves disagreeing, becoming judgmental, or shutting down in defense, try turning to wonder, “I wonder what brought them to this place?” “I wonder what my reaction teaches me?” “I wonder what she is feeling right now?”
5. We receive everything in a dream as a symbol, which points to an aspect of personality, attitude, situation, or experience in life. Dream symbols can shed light on what we don’t know – what is unconscious.
6. Dreams come in the service of health and wholeness. In this circle, we are receptive to one another’s intuitive approach to dream symbols. We are open to the guidance of Spirit.
General Guidelines for Group Work
To help establish clear boundaries that create safe space for the soul, Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage and Renewal developed Circle of Trust Touchstones, see: Courage and Renewal Approach. These can be helpful in a dream group.
Affirmation is journeying, individually and in community, to our inner selves, our hearts and souls, to identify our true selves and our deep integrity. From this center proceeds our action.
— Parker Palmer
Discerning God’s Will in Dreams and Prayer: Some Guidelines
Written by Trinity Cathedral Journey Group, including some ideas from To Pray to Grow (Flora Slosson Wuellner), On Being a Christian (Hans Kung), and Journey Group suggestions.
When a course of action seems to present itself through dreams, prayer, or synchronicity, how do we know if it is indeed Divine Will? The following questions applied separately may not give us a definitive answer, but applied collectively they can help determine who or what is truly calling us to action. They may help us discern God’s will.
Is it harmful? God’s will is our well-being. Do I feel free or compelled? The Spirit is not compulsive; we have a choice. A sense of urgency may signal neurotic compulsion, rather than freedom of choice in God.
Does the course of action take into account the obvious facts of my situation? Does it acknowledge my other responsibilities? Do circumstances seem to be shifting of their own accord to accommodate this course of action?
Does the course of action feel natural − do I feel “at home” with it? Can I look back at my life to date and see this new development as a positive, natural extension of my life’s journey? Does it seem to “fit?”
In retrospect, what have been the fruits of my choice? If we experience consistent failure or disappointment in a course of action, perhaps our true gifts lie elsewhere.
Even though individuation sometimes means going against mainstream culture, is this a decision I can put before the broader community, at least for discussion? If no one in my Christian community can support my course of action, I may need to re-think it.
Is the message persistent? Am I hearing it from a number of sources?
Is the action required of me, or of other persons? God’s will for our lives usually requires us to do our own footwork.
Do I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time and thought “building a case” for this course of action? Could I be rationalizing some compulsive behavior?
Am I willing to take “no” for an answer? Do I feel like everything depends on this particular course of action being carried out? Or that this is the only “right” way?