Upcoming Events
Painting: Jacob’s Dream, Nicolas Dipre, c. 1500
Synchronicity and You: More Than Coincidence
Join us: Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. EST (2 hours)
On Zoom - led by Greg Little / Cost: $40, or pay what you can
In his essay, On Synchronicity, Carl Jung declares, “I have therefore directed my attention to certain observations and experiences which, I can fairly say, have forced themselves upon me during the course of my long medical practice. They have to do with spontaneous, meaningful coincidences of so high a degree of improbability as to appear flatly unbelievable.” Jung named these “meaningful coincidences” synchronicity.
In this workshop, we will explore:
Jung’s hypothesis for synchronicity,
examples of synchronicity in Jung’s work and in our lives,
outline how to differentiate between synchronicity and “mere” coincidence.
Participants will have an opportunity to discuss their experiences of synchronicity and explore the impact in their lives.
Since Dreamwork Canada believes that exploring our dreams is essential to our psychological health, participants will also have an opportunity to examine dreams in a group experience. We invite participants to being one of their dreams to share in the group experience.
Led by Greg Little, an Anglican Priest and Honourary assistant at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church in Strathroy, Ontario. He is a Certified Dream Group Leader and spiritual director from the Haden Institute.
Registration Details
Registration deadline is 24 hours before the event
To register:
Step 1 Send your name and e-mail address to dreamworkcanada104@gmail.com so we can forward the Zoom link to you.
Step 2 Send your payment by e-transfer to dreamworkcanada104@gmail.com or request an alternative method of payment by e-mailing the registrar. E-transfers are automatically deposited, no passcode required.
Questions? Contact the registrar at dreamworkcanada104@gmail.com
Previous Events
All My Relations - a Haudenosaunee Perspective
Tuesday, November 19, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EST
To set the context, after the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Greeting, susanna will discuss briefly the Indigenous mind, which views the imagination – a large part of dreams – not as the workings of “mind” but rather imagination is experienced as interconnection with the natural world. Our gratitude goes to every living part of Creation—and all Creation is all alive, all organic, sensate.
"All my Relations" confirms and affirms all Creation as sensate and kin to me. It is an intimate and inextricably interconnected experience.
We will discuss and share our experience of the natural world and, as susanna says, "it is my hope that you will leave with a deeper sense of relationship and perhaps even realize you have already experienced a waking dream (as some would call them) because in deep time, we are all Indigenous. I dream that your imagination will deepen and broaden from our experience together."
Facilitator: susanna suchak is an expressive artist, storyteller, and Irish Mohawk. Her Haudenosaunee name means, "she carries words."
A Video susanna recommends: Times Opinion: Robin Wall Kimmerer on Paddling Against the Wind
Intro to Dreams with a Dream Group Experience
Tuesday, September 17, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT
On Zoom - led by Miriam Frey / Cost: $20, or pay what you can
After a brief introduction to dreams and dream work, participants will meet in groups to explore the meaning of someone's dream. The gift of dream work is that everyone brings their own sacred experience to a dream. We learn from one another. Each group is led by an experienced Dreamwork Canada facilitator.
Dream Group Experience
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT - on Zoom
After a brief introduction, participants will meet in groups to explore the meaning of someone's dream. Bring a dream, if you'd like to hear others' reflections on its possible meaning. Each group will be led by an experienced Dreamwork Canada facilitator.
What Does Nature Teach About Dreams?
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT - On Zoom
Dreams and the natural world are parallel teachers. We will explore how Indigenous (Haudenosaunee) and Jungian approaches to dreamwork are unique and yet both help us tune in to the great imagination. Expand your capacity to listen to dreams and nature because they both teach about the soul’s healing journey.
Leaders: (1) susanna suchak is an expressive artist, storyteller, Irish Mohawk and her Haudenosaunee name means “she carries words.” (2) Miriam Frey is a spiritual companion, teacher, cultural Mennonite and she is currently writing her spiritual memoir.
How to Start a Dream Group
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT - on Zoom
Led by Greg Little, a priest and certified dream group leader
Are you interested in joining a dream group on a regular basis? Are you curious about what is involved in the dream group process? Perhaps you are interested in learning how to lead a dream group. Come and learn more about dream groups and participate in the dream group experience.
Handouts shared during the workshop (click on the name of the handout):
Dream Symbols of Transformation
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT - on Zoom
Led by: Miriam Frey, a spiritual director and educator
Dreams can offer us invitations for change and spiritual transformation. Miriam has worked with dreams, individually and in groups, for about 40 years. As a spiritual director, she will share of her experience with transformative dreams and invite us to explore our own invitations for change and spiritual growth.
Dreams Can Deepen Our Spirituality
Interested in what dreams mean? Interested in becoming part of a dream group community? This September Dreamwork Canada is offering an opportunity for interested persons to meet in small groups to discover together the wisdom of dreams. Bring your curiosity and a dream (not required to participate).
Sept 19, 2023 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. EDT - on Zoom
After a brief introduction, participants will meet in groups to explore the meaning of someone’s dream. Each group will be led by an experienced facilitator.
Exploring Dreams Through Six Magic Questions
Led by Rev. Greg Little
Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 6:30—8:30 PM, EST
The participants will be introduced to the process for using the “six magic questions” approach to exploring dreams. This approach can unlock the meaning of dream images and the meaning of their dreams. The participants will have opportunities to work with other participants in applying the method to dreams in a small group setting.
Greg Little is an Anglican Priest and Honourary Assistant at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Strathroy, He is a Certified Dream Group Leader and Spiritual Director from the Haden Institute.
Movement, Body and Faith in Dreams
Tuesday, February 21, 2023 6:30 PM—8:30 PM EST
Led by Alexandra Caverly-Lowery, MDiv, ThM.
An opportunity to explore, through gentle body movement and active imagination, ways to engage with the images, voices and physically -felt experiences that arrive in our dreams.
Individually and together, we participate in God’s Dream for an Earth Community living in wholeness and right relationship.